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CPanel Web Hosting Features

The CPanel web hosting control panel we use at BCN is a feature-packed automated hosting solution that is provided free with every hosting account we offer. You can perform almost all account functions on your web site in realtime!

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Servers are RedHat Linux 7.3 and constantly updated to the latest stable build to ensure security and make the latest features available. Absolutely no other Internet web hosting control panel beats the features we pack into ours!

To back up our claim, please try the demo (username: demo, password: demo) of our web control panel (version 7) using Xskin, the most popular CPanel skin in the world.

Control panel features available to you totally free right when you sign up:

E-Mail Management Features
Manage Accounts add, delete, quotas, passwords
Webmail (Horde) email access through the web for all users in your domain
Default Address set whether unrouted mail is stored, bounced, or discarded
Auto Responders automatically send a pre-written message back to the sender
Blockers set mail filtering rules performed before mailbox entry
Forwarders forward mail sent to an address on your domain elsewhere
Mailing Lists create simple discussion lists for small groups of people
Modify MX Entry set which server receives email for your domain
Trace an Email lists MX entries of a destination email
Spam Assassin configures your mail to be scanned and tagged for spam (use with blockers and rules to virtually eliminate spam from your end users!)

Statistics Features
Webalizer Web Stats Simple web site visitor statistics summary
Webalizer Ftp Stats Simple Ftp site statistics summary
AWStats Extremely comprehensive graphical web traffic and visitor statistics tool. Any good webmaster should study and analyze these logs for they are a gold mine of information. Here's some sample data to show what we mean! Unlike most hosting providers, we have enabled reverse DNS resolution for our implementation to provide much more useful information such as what countries your users come from.
Analog Stats Yet another statistics software that is full of information as well.
Latest Visitors provides some information about your most recent visitors
Bandwidth Provides transfer usage information for your account
Error Log Tells you the last errors that your web visitors encountered
Raw Log File Download your raw log file
Raw Log Manager Sets what to do with your web site's log files

Pre-installed CGI Scripts
Invision Board InvisionBoard is a web bulletin board system.
PHP-Nuke PHP-Nuke is an advanced content management system.
osCommerce osCommerce is an easy to use and configure shopping cart.
Agora Cart Another easy to use and configure shopping cart.
phpBB An excellent forum / bulletin board system.
CGI Chat (Entropy) This is a simple, easy to install CGI script written in Perl.
phpMyChat This is a very nice PHP script. You will need one available MySQL database to install it. It is very customizable!
CGI Wrapper Allows you to run scripts that have the same permissions that your own account has.
Random HTML Gen This simple script allows you to insert random pieces of text into your web page. This is useful for daily quotes, helpful hints, or any other place where random text is useful.
Simple Guestbook This is a simple guestbook script that allows you to create a guestbook that your visitors can sign. You can modify the appearance of the guestbook, and view and manage guestbook entries.
Advanced Guestbook The Advanced Guestbook script offers more features than the previous script by using PHP and a MySQL database.
Counter You can create a counter to count and show how many visitors have been to your site.
Clock The Java Clock Maker allows you to create a real-time, dynamic clock, that counts the time just like a digital wrist watch.
Countdown This script creates a Java countdown or countup display, to or from a particular time.
Countdown This script creates a Java countdown or countup display, to or from a particular time.
FormMail Clone Simple script allowing you to create forms which email data. Not suggest for use because despite our best efforts, it is always being exploited.
CGI Email CGI EMail is a simple, easy-to-use script that takes the results of any form and sends them to you via email. Because it is already installed, minimal configuration is required to successfully use the script.
EntropySearch This script enables a nice, quick search engine that can help your visitors find information that they are interested in more easily. The larger the site, the more important the search engine becomes.
EntropyBanner Allows you to create a set of revolving banner images, normally used for advertising. You can upload and delete files, set priority on the images, and set URLs to which each image points.

FTP Management Features
Manage Accounts With the FTP account utility you can control FTP accounts for your users or if your account has sub domain support you can add FTP accounts for your sub domain(s).
Anonymous Setup Here you can change how anonymous FTP users should be treated and change the anonymous upload policy as well.
Login Message You can edit the anonymous FTP welcome message that users will see when they login to your FTP site.
FTP Session Control This utility allows you to disconnect users or time out FTP sessions.

Site Management Features
Backup The Backup area allows you to download the daily backup file of your entire web site, or a particular MySQL, alias, or filter backup file. If your computer crashes, or your personal backups are destroyed, these files allow you to recover your site in a convenient manner. All users are encouraged to download a backup periodically!
Web Protect You can protect directories within your site from browsers by using a password to protect them. This allows you to restrict material to only authorized users or store sensitive material online. This has the same appearance and effect as the password protection on CPanel.
Change Password Here you may change your account's password. This will affect all passwords you have on our system! Please make sure to use something that is difficult to guess.
Custom Error Messages Create customized error pages, so when a user types the wrong url or enters incorrect information on the browser, a nice error page will be displayed instead of the default one.
Redirects The Redirects area allows you to redirect Internet traffic from one web page to another. This is usually used when a web page has been moved to another location.
MIME Types Mime types tell browsers how to handle specific extensions. Most Mime types are set globally on the server. For example, the text/html Mime type equates to htm, html, and shtml extensions on most servers, and this tells your browser to interpret all files with those extensions as HTML files. You can alter or add new Mime types specifically for your site (note that you can not alter the global Mime type values, only add to them). Mime types are often used to handle new technologies as they appear. When WAP technology first appeared no-one had these extensions set up on their server. With Mime types, however, you could have set it up yourself and begun serving WAP pages immediately.
Apache Handlers Apache is an open-source HTTP server, and is used to serve your site. Apache handlers tell the server how to deal with web files that need to be processed on the server. For example, Apache is set up to process files with .pl extensions using Perl. However, if for some reason you also wanted to process files with .script extension using Perl, then you would have to set up a custom Apache handler for your site.
FrontPage Extensions Frontpage� Extensions allow you to publish your web site using Microsoft Frontpage�. These extensions can occasionally become corrupted, so you can uninstall and then reinstall Frontpage� Extensions whenever required.
Search Engine Submit Submit your web site details to several search engines at one time. Some pointers on this process:
1. This is not a guaranteed way of becoming registered by these search engines, as some may charge a registering fee. It is always best to check each search engine site individually to see what their registration policy currently is.
2. It may take several weeks (4-8 weeks is common) before your web site will appear on a search engine.
3. Do not submit your site multiple times to the same search engine within a short period of time, as the search engine may ban you from its list.
HotLink Protection Hotlinking is when another web site owner links directly to one or more of your images or multimedia files and includes it on their web page. Not only is this theft of your intellectual property, you are paying for the bandwidth used by that site. Refer to this article for more information on hotlinking.
Index Manager The Index Manager enables you to control how directories on your web site are displayed. If there is no index.html in a particular directory, the contents of the directory will be displayed to the browser. This is usually undesirable and can cause security issues.
IP Deny Manager This feature will allow you to block a range of IP addresses to prevent them from accessing your site.

Database Management Features
Manage MySQL MySQL is an open source SQL server - it responds to requests for information that are written in SQL. You can communicate with MySQL using a wide variety of programming languages (PHP being one of the most common).
phpMyAdmin Use phpMyAdmin to administrate your MySQL databases in a web based environment. One of the best web-based database management tools available!

Domain Management Features
Manage SubDomains Subdomains are a way of creating separate accounts within your master account, which are accessed as separate URLs. For example, you could set up a "timber" subdomain on your master account "", which would be accessed as "". A lot of larger businesses use subdomains to establish branding and focus on separate product lines, because a subdomain creates a separate URL and web presence.
Manage Parked Domains You can set up a domain name that you own to point to another domain name. This is known as "parking" a domain.
Manage Addon Domains Manage extra domains that are hosted off of directories within your own server.
SubDomain Stats View statistics for your subdomains.

Advanced Management Features
SSH Access A secure form of telnet allowing you to connect directly to the console of the server your account is hosted on and enter commands. This is not enabled on all accounts by default, you must request it!
Cron Jobs Cron jobs allow you to automate repetitive tasks on the server that hosts your web site. This is a powerful tool that allows you to take a hands-free approach to repetitive tasks. For example, you could add a cron job that automatically copies a MySQL database to a separate location on your site as a backup.
PGP Keys (GnuPG) OpenPGP is a tool for secure online communication. CPanel uses GnuPG for its public-key cryptography so that users may communicate securely. Each person gets a pair of keys, called the public key and the private key. Each person's public key is published while the private key is kept secret. Messages are encrypted using the intended recipient's public key and can only be decrypted using their private key. General documentation and comprehensive user guides are available at the GNU Privacy Guard site.

Network Tools
Domain Lookup Allows you to look up information about a particular domain and all information contained within its zone file.
Trace Route Allows you to trace the IP (Internet Protocol) route taken by your server to reach your current ISP (Internet Service Provider).

Take a 100% risk-free trial of our shared hosting services for 14 days. No payment is necessary, we believe that strongly in our service! Let us show you why.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

Related Links:

CPanel - the maker of our incredible hosting control panel software
CPanel Documentation (Windows, PDF, HTML)

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