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128-Bit SSL Certificate Usage Instructions

Most frequent Internet shoppers are aware of SSL encryption and will only input credit card information into a site that offers this protection. Visitors know that they are using SSL when a small closed lock icon appears in the bottom of the browser window.

Shared Certificates
For most customers a shared SSL certificate will be sufficient. If you're on a UNIX shared hosting plan, you're probably already configured and usage is free. Just point the page that needs to be secured to the following URL:


Where [server] is the name of the server on which your hosting files lie, [user] is your main account username, [path] is the path to your desired secure page from the public_html directory of your account, and lastly [filename] is the name of the file you want to be encrypted.   (Insecure)   (Secure)

Dedicated Certificates
For customers who would prefer to keep their own domain name shown, a dedicated SSL certificate will be necessary. The site must be hosted on a dedicated IP address of its own and there is an additional fee of $299/yr for us to purchase and install it. (Secure using Dedicated Cert)

Take a 100% risk-free trial of our shared hosting services for 14 days. No payment is necessary, we believe that strongly in our service! Let us show you why.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

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Guest: Wednesday, March 26th, 2025, 8:03AM EST

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